Frequently Asked Questions 

About this website

What is the purpose of this website?

This website has been designed to provide Westchester volunteers preparing tax returns with a single, intuitive interface to the reference documents they need to prepare returns and manage their sites, regardless of where those documents are actually located.In addition this website provides access to all training materials and can be used to pepare for and complete IRS certification requirement, as well as to complete workbook problems.

Who can access this site?

All Westchester, NY Tax-aide active and prospective volunteers can access this website.  However, documents in Westchester --> LCs and EROs and Westchester --> District Teams are accessible only by individuals assigned those responsibilities.
We are required to restrict access to the  NTTC developed materials on this site.  This is done in the same manner that the NTTC has chosen, that is we do not advertise the existence of the materials and we display the reminder "For use by AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Volunteers only." on every page. 
If you believe you should have access but are unable to access the site use the link at the bottom center of the page or email

Does the website have a search feature?

Yes, however the default search capabilities within a site are limited to text on the web page.  The search does not include text in documents linked to by the web page.  In addition, the link will bring you to the page not the actual text on the page.

Does this site include information about client appointments?

No.  This year we have a website for our clients.  Taxpayers can use the site to find our Tax-Aide sites, site schedules and information about each site including how to make an appointment.  
Links to the Tax-Aide appointment scheduling application Session Manager are incorporated for sites using online appointment scheduling.  This app allows taxpayers to make their own appointment.

How do I report problems with the site?

At the bottom center of every page there is a message regarding problems and suggestions that includes a link.  The link will open a window to create an email to report your problem or suggestion.

About the documents listed on the website 

What documents are included on the website?

The initial goal was to provide a website for Westchester volunteers with reference materials to use when preparing tax returns similar to the original "Westchester Drive".  As such it contains all of the documents, including prior year documents, that had been on the Westchester Drive along with many new features, including calendars, bulletin boards, and site information. 

Are the documents displayed always current?

In an attempt to ensure that you are using the most current version of a documents, links are to the original source documents located on the document creator’s website whenever possible.  The document creator ensures that the document is up-to-date.
NTTC & NTSC document links will always point to the latest published version of the document.  That means as the NTTC or NTSC updates become available they will be available on our website.  This is true for training materials as well as tax reference materials and Technology documents.

Can I download the documents?

Document links open in a new browser tab.  
  • When those links are pdf files they will open in the viewer you have set to be used on your device.  Any pdf viewer should allow you to download.  If that isn't possible try printing the document to a pdf.
  • Some links are websites.  Each website functions differently.  You may not have a download bottom or a print button (try Ctrl+P to print).  
  • There is a possibility the link will be for a spreadsheet or word processing (.docx) file.  The browser tab that opens will launch the appropriate app and allow you access based on your security.  Generally, if you can open it you can print it or "save as" (ie download).

Keep in mind that once you have downloaded a document to your Chromebook or personal device you will no longer be guaranteed to have the most current version of the document.  Using the website link to access documents that may change may be a better alternative than downloading the document to your device.

How do I view documents for a prior year?

All documents linked to in the collapsable groups are correct for the current tax year.  Documents that were specific to a prior tax year or were available in a prior year but determined to no longer be "active" can be found by Navigating to Tax Preparation --> Federal Favorites --> Our Information Sources.  The third item, Westchester Drive, is a link to the documents stored on the actual Google Drive which contains the documents created by Westchester volunteers or downloaded because they were not available directly (via URL).  If there are outdated documents they will be stored in a folder labelled PRIOR YEAR Information within these folders.In addition, there is a section in Federal by Topic and NYS by Topic named Prior Year Information that contains prior year information.  The 4012 for prior years can be found on the Federal by Topics page.

Where are the source documents actually stored?

This website links to original source documents in:
  • The AARP Portal – NTTC Tax-Aide Training and Tax Law Library (the “RED folder”)
  • The AARP Portal – NTSC Technical Library (the “BLUE folder”)
  • Various IRS sites
  •  Various NY State sites
  • Westchester Google Drive (documents created by Tax-Aide Westchester or not available elsewhere)

I have a great document that I think should be included on the website.  What should I do?

At the center bottom of every page there is a message regarding problems and suggestions that includes a link.  The link will open a window to create an email to report your problem or suggestion.

About the Westchester District

Where can I find a list of all Westchester Tax-Aide sites and LCs?

Navigate to the Westchester --> Westchester Sites page for a map and printable listing of all sites with address, operating times and LC name and email.Selecting the pin for each site will open a window on the map with more information about the site selected.  The map can be expanded to show the location of the site more clearly.

What opportunities are there to participate in district management?


There are many different tasks we need to complete to keep our district running smoothly. We have a number of teams responsible for various sets of these tasks.
  • Local Coordinators -  each site has a Local Coordinator who manages the operation of the site, including ensuring adequate staffing, establishing site-specific policies, monitoring the completion of returns, and managing the relationship with the provider of the site’s physical location.
  • Electronic Return Originator (ERO) each site has an ERO who is responsible for transmitting  finished returns to the IRS and New York and other states, following up on their acceptance, and initiating corrective action for rejected returns.
  • Technical Team -  manages the setup and distribution of our Chromebooks, routers, printers, and scanners and manages the configuration of our software, particularly TaxSlayer. The team is also responsible for the technical maintenance of our websites and the Westchester Google Drive.
  • Administrative Team - maintains the on-line records we must keep for the AARP Tax-Aide program in the Volunteer Portal and handles tracking certifications and site assignments.
  • Recruiting Team -  manages the recruiting and interviewing of potential new volunteers.
  • Training Team - plans and delivers our pre-season training.
To avoid over-burdening any one person, it’s important to find volunteers willing to help with these tasks.  If you are interested or would like more information, please contact your Local Coordinator.

Who do I contact if I have a problem or question?

If you have a problem or question when working at your site, first consult your site LC and colleagues.  Colleagues at other sites may also be able to help.  If they are unable to help…
For technical issues:
  • Attempt to solve the problem/issue with your local team first.
  • Click the email link at the center bottom of any page or send Loretta an email explaining your problem.
  • In an emergency, contact Loretta Crew at 914-980-4598
For tax law issues:
  • Your site's Local Coordinator.  
For filing issues:
  • Your site's Local Coordinator.  
For TSO issues:
    • According to Tax-Aide –
Any TSO user can contact TSO support for a TSO question or concern - there is no recommended escalation policy.  However, it does make sense to ask the question first at a local level, or even possibly at the district level.  The issue may have been addressed in the TSO Blog or is a question that the person who configured TSO or an Instructor can answer.  All leaders at least, and any other volunteers at your sites, should be encouraged to sign up to receive TSO Blog updates so if there is a known TSO issue, they are in the loop.  This is easily done by going into the blog and from any entry look at the bottom right for a link to subscribe to the Blog (the VITA/TCE Feed).  
    •  According to TaxSlayer Support – 
Any VITA/TCE volunteer is allowed to contact us for assistance with using our software. We're happy to answer questions about logging into the software, configuring the software, navigating through the software, checking on a return transmitted through the software, and so on.  They can reach out to us via phone, e-mail, or live chat. Live chat is available within the software by selecting "Help & Support" at the top of the page. Live chat is not available within the Practice Lab. Phone: (800) 421-6346

News -> Key Events

What are key events?

Any meeting or significant date that most Westchester volunteers might be interested in.

How do I use the Key Events Calendar?

The Key Events display is a Google Calendar.    
  • In the upper right corner of the Calendar you can choose the desired view; week month or agenda (list of scheduled events; default)  
  • In the upper left you can use the blue arrow keys to scroll forward or back.  
  • You can use the down arrow next to the date to select a specific date. 
  • In the agenda view there are options to "show events" that are also helpful locating a specific event or date.
  • In the extreme upper right corner there is a link that will open the calendar in a new tab.  From the new tab you can print the calendar.

Can I modify the Key Events Calendar?

 Only the DC and TC (Ben & Loretta) have access to add or change the Google calendar.  If you have an item you believe should be included forward it with a request to add it to either Ben or Loretta.

I get an error message "Events from one or more calendars could not be shown here because you do not have the permission to view them." What do I do?

 At the bottom center of every page there is a message regarding problems and suggestions that includes a link.  The link will open a window to create an email.  Use this to request access to the calendar.

News -> Bulletin Board

What is the Bulletin Board?

Any information that most Westchester volunteers might be interested in.  For example a Link&Learn outage, a reported TSO problem that may affect Westchester.The Bulletin Board contains a link to the IRS "Quality and Tax Alerts for IRS Volunteer Programs", a link to the "TaxSlayer VITA/TCE Blog" and a simple Google Doc containing news items for your information.  

Can I add items to the Bulletin Board?

When you hover over the Bulletin Board a gray square appears in the upper right hand corner.  Clicking this square will open up a tab containing the Google Doc.  The intent is that any Westchester volunteer can add to the Bulletin Board.  Google Docs will say "Request edit access" if you cannot edit the document. If you can't update, at the  bottom center of every page there is a message regarding problems and suggestions that includes a link.  The link will open a window to create an email.  Use this to request update access to the Bulletin Board.

Can I change or delete items on the Bulletin Board?

 Yes, but you should only change or delete your own items.

Are IRS alerts posted to the Bulletin Board?

The Bulletin Board contains a link to the IRS "Quality and Tax Alerts for IRS Volunteer Programs".  

Are TaxSlayer alerts posted to the Bulletin Board?

The Bulletin Board contains a link to the "TaxSlayer VITA/TCE Blog".  This is the same link also found in te Tax-Aide Links bookmark bar folder on your Tax-Aide account.

News -> email Archive

What is the email Archive?

The email archive is intended to be a repository for any general information email that was sent to Westchester volunteers as well as email from Tax-Aide Leadership that might be of interest to the Westchester Volunteers.

Can I add items to the email Archive?

Only the District Management Team can add items to the email archive.  If you have an email you believe should be included forward it with a request to add it to a member of the DMT.

Can I change or delete items in the email Archive?

 Only the District Management Team can change or delete items in the email archive.  If you have an email you believe should be included forward it with a request to add it to a member of the DMT.


What are all my passwords?!?!

Navigate to Technology --> Accounts (Chrome, Google, Link&Learn, TSO) there you will find a crib sheet to record you passwords (Managing AARP Tax-Aide Passwords) which includes instructions regarding how to recover the various passwords.

What is the password for the Tax-Aide (TAV) network?

TAwestchester --> case counts!

How do I order printer paper?

You use the email link on the Technology page or email Loretta.  You must specify how many reams of paper you need and the address the paper should be delivered to.   Always try to keep two weeks supply on hand.

How do I order printer toner or drum cartridges?

You use the email link on the Technology page or email Loretta.  You must specify how desperate you are for a new cartridge.  Keep in mind you should always plan to have a spare toner on hand.  It may take up to three weeks for a new drum or toner.

Training - General

How do I log on to Link & Learn?

 Refer to "Your Tax-Aide Online Accounts" in Training --> New Volunteer Training --> New Volunteer Training Materials.

Can I do the training on my personal computer? 

Yes, using whatever browser you want that will work but keep in mind only the Chrome browser on a PC or Chromebook is "supported".  Assistance with other software combinations is extremely limited.If you are confident in your "Google" knowledge you can add the Tax-Aide account to your personal computer.  Under no circumstances can you prepare taxes (use TSO) from you personal computer. 

Do I have to use my Tax-Aide Google account for training?

No.  The links you need are available through this website to assist you while you are training.

Training -> Training Calendar

What is the Training Calendar?

How do I use the Training Calendar?

The Training Calendar is a Google Calendar.    
  • In the upper right corner of the Calendar you can choose the desired view; week month or agenda (list of scheduled events; default)  
  • In the upper left you can use the blue arrow keys to scroll forward or back.  
  • You can use the down arrow next to the date to select a specific date. 
  • In the agenda view there are options to "show events" that are also helpful locating a specific event or date.
  • In the extreme upper right corner there is a link that will open the calendar in a new tab.  From the new tab you can print the calendar.

Can I modify the Training Calendar?

need to determine who can modify!

Training -> Training Bulletin Board

What is the Training Bulletin Board?

How do I use the Training Bulletin Board?


Can I add or change items on the Training Bulletin Board?

 --> case counts!